Hon. Judge James L. Robart
During his 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, Candidate Donald Trump made several
incendiary comments about immigration and Muslims entering the United States.
Among the campaign promises on his website was: "a total and complete shutdown
of Muslims entering the United States."
On November 8, 2016, Candidate Trump won the majority of Electoral College votes
and was elected President of the United States. President Trump was inaugurated
on January 20, 2017.
In the afternoon of Friday, January 27, 2017, President Trump signed an Executive
Order ("Travel Ban 1.0"), which suspended immigration from seven majority-Muslim
countries for a period of 90 days and suspended the United States refugee program
for 120 days. Travel Ban 1.0 created chaos at airports across the United States
with international connections. The State of Washington, representing itself
and interested parties, sued the Trump Administration over Travel Ban 1.0 on
Monday, February 1, 2017. The State of Washington filed its suit in the United
States District Court for the Western District of Washington, and the case was
randomly assigned to the Honorable James L. Robart.
At a hearing on Friday, February 4, 2017, to consider the State of Washington's
request for injunctive relief, Judge Robart entered a temporary restraining
order and enjoined the enforcement of Travel Ban 1.0 nationwide. President Trump
immediately began tweeting about the decision. He called Judge Robart a "so-called
judge" and the temporary restraining order "ridiculous." President
Trump also tweeted, "If something happens blame him and [the] court system."
On appeal, the Ninth Circuit interpreted Judge Robart's temporary restraining
order as a preliminary injunction and declined the Trump Administration's request
to stay Judge Robart's order. In so ruling, the Ninth Circuit rejected―as contrary
to longstanding United States legal authority―the notion that the President's
authority in the areas of immigration and national security was unreviewable.
After the Ninth Circuit's ruling upholding Judge Robart's injunction, President
Trump abandoned his efforts to defend Travel Ban 1.0, and he subsequently rescinded
it and replaced it with Travel Ban 2.0.
Travel Ban 2.0 suspended immigration from six predominantly-Muslim countries
and suspended the United States refugee program for another 120 days. The United
States District Courts for the District of Hawaii and the District of Maryland
both enjoined Travel Ban 2.0, and the Ninth Circuit and Fourth Circuit Courts
of Appeal, respectively, upheld those district court decisions. The restrictions
in Travel Ban 2.0 expired before the Supreme Court could review the Ninth Circuit
and Fourth Circuit decisions, and the Supreme Court vacated the lower court
decisions as moot.
President Trump then issued Travel Ban 3.0, which suspended immigration from
eight countries, all of which were Muslim-majority countries, except for two:
Venezuela and North Korea. Once again, the Fourth and Ninth Circuit Courts of
Appeal upheld district court decisions enjoining enforcement of the Ban.
In June 2018, the United States Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, reversed the
lower courts and upheld Travel Ban 3.0. The Court held that Congress had statutorily
delegated to the President decisions about whether and when to suspend entry
to the United States, and Travel Ban 3.0 fell within that comprehensive delegation
of authority. The Court also held that the plaintiffs had not demonstrated a
likelihood of success on the merits of their claim that Travel Ban 3.0 violated
the Establishment Clause. The Court held that the admission and exclusion of
foreign nationals is a "fundamental sovereign attribute" that is "largely
immune from judicial control." Further, although the court engages in a
circumscribed judicial inquiry when the denial of a visa allegedly burdens the
constitutional rights of a U.S. citizen, that review is limited to whether the
Executive gives a "facially legitimate and bona fide" reason for its
The travel ban litigation was an opening salvo in an ongoing controversy over
the limits of presidential authority. The controversy has showcased the tensions
between the federal judiciary and the executive branch, and between the lower
federal courts and the United States Supreme Court. It has also focused attention
on federal district courts issuing nationwide injunctions. In his speech, Judge
Robart will discuss a trial court's perspective on handling a major Constitutional
case with nationwide―or even worldwide―implications.
トランプ対ハワイ判決は,大統領令の執行に対する全米レベルでの仮差止命令(preliminary Injunction)を発令した下級審の判断につき,大統領令が合法・合憲であるという判断を前提に,本案における勝訴の見込みがないことを理由にこれを破棄し,審理を下級審に差し戻すというものであった。訴訟手続全体を見渡すと,各審級で実体判断があり,訴訟要件(司法判断適合性,原告適格等)は大きな争点とされていないことが特徴として挙げられる。仮に日本で同種の事実関係が生じた場合に,誰が原告となり,誰を被告として,どのような訴訟形式を利用して,どのような救済を裁判所に求めることになるのか。また,裁判所はどのような判断枠組みに基づいて救済を与えることの適否を判断するのか。本報告では,アメリカのPreliminary
Professor Peter L. Strauss
The transformation of American administrative law over the decades has been
extraordinary for Professor Peter Strauss, who began practicing it when Lyndon
Johnson was President. Perhaps the most notable transformations are those respecting
the incidence of and processes for adopting secondary legislation − what Americans
know as rulemaking, by which elements of the executive branch create regulations
that, if valid, have same force and effect as legislatively adopted statutes.
Together with these transformations has come a transformation in the relationship
of the American President to the agencies that Congress has authorized to adopt
regulations. These transformations have occurred steadily over at least four
decades, influenced by the impact of new health, safety and environmental regulations
on the national economy, by changes in our understanding of the nature of risk,
by the frequency with which the American legislature and presidency have been
in different political hands, and by the impact of the digital age. They have
dramatically altered what Professor Strauss has called the "psychology
of government," heightening the perceived responsibility of the President
for this activity, and correspondingly reducing the responsibility of agency
leaders. Remarkable characteristics of Donald Trump's presidency may have made
these transformations seem more sudden and dramatic than they have been.
Professor Strauss's talk will begin with a brief account of the special characteristics
of American presidential government, as distinct from the parliamentary models
with which a Japanese audience may be familiar. He will then outline this history
of change. Then he will turn to the remarkable presidency of Donald Trump, and
the impacts of his administration − particularly in the context of immigration
and our national borders.
Unlike parliamentary systems, even those controlled by coalition governments,
America's President has no necessary political connection to its Congress. The
persons who lead government departments may never also be members of Congress.
Although Americans speak of department heads as the President's cabinet, it
does not act as a collective; as recent events have revealed, the President
has unfettered control over each cabinet member's term of office, and the cabinet
essentially lacks any control over his. To be sure, the President must secure
Congress's approval for the appointment of department heads and for budgetary
allocations to them. Each of these processes has the potential to create divided
loyalties. But although Congress must authorize a department to adopt secondary
legislation its approval of regulations that may then be adopted is not required
once it has done authorized the activity. Congress can control agency rulemaking
only by new legislation, which may be subject to presidential veto.
In the 1960's and '70's, new understandings and new technologies turned the
principle focus of American national regulation from economic controls to health,
safety and environmental regulation. This made rulemaking a much more important
regulatory activity than the 1946 Administrative Procedure Act had imagined.
Rulemaking was barely touched on when I began teaching administrative law in
1971; it dominates my teaching today. Then, it was seen simply as an expert
process, that public participation could help to inform. As its political character
became more evident, a series of judicial innovations substantially increased
its transparency. They required agencies to share important data when they proposed
rules for public comment; and they demanded that agencies show substantial reasoning
in support of the rules they finally adopted, reasoning that reflected attention
to the important comments they had received. Presidents, too, began demanding
involvement, as the heightened importance of this new rulemaking to the American
economy became evident. They increasingly sought to influence what regulations
agencies were undertaking to develop; and they developed procedures for monitoring
the development of important rules to assure, at the least, that they promised
public benefits that would justify the costs they might impose on the businesses
they regulated. The heightened capacity for information-sharing resulting from
the digital age, too, has tended effectively to move important decisions to
the White House from the agencies Congress designated to make them.
President Trump's attachment to personal control and dramatic action has been
evident across the whole of his administration. This is evident in his attention
to the business of the Department of Homeland Security − both in controlling
the nation's borders against unwanted arrivals, and in dealing with residents
who illegally crossed them in the past. His use of social media, his executive
orders, and his dealings with DHS and White House personnel in this connection
strikingly illustrate these elements. Professor Strauss's talk will also consider
more generally the ways in which through social media, executive orders, and
appointments decisions, President Trump has further developed presidential controls
over agency rulemaking. Judicial controls, such as Judge Robart's important
decision in Washington v. Trump, may serve to check his overreaching; Congress,
to this point, has not done so (although the rebirth of divided government last
November might change this). Otherwise, Americans must await the fixed election
of November 2020, which might or might not have that effect.
15:30〜15:45 休憩
難民移民の取扱い及び収容 〜 2015年以降の欧州と日米
難民移民問題に積極的であり続けた欧州にあっても,テロへの恐怖と異なる文化や宗教への懸念は絶えない。特に,2015 年に爆発的に難民が発生した後の欧州は,以前ほど単純な形での受入れは最早行ってはいない。シリア情勢悪化等を背景に,EU加盟国間の利害や思惑の違いが鮮明化,一部加盟国の国内情勢に大きな影響を与えている。また,難民移民の流入後,域内での二次的な移動をどのように受け入れるかが各国の大きな政治的関心事となっている。人道的な価値が重視されてきた欧州ではあるが一部ポピュリズムも跋扈し,現在は微妙なバランスの元にある。一方,欧州機関や欧州人権裁判所は,世界を牽引するような規定や判決が存在し,その意思決定は常に関心を持たれる。