


午後1時ー2時 高取芳宏(オリック東京法律事務所)
Inhalation Plastics, Inc. v. Medex Cardio-Pulmonary, Inc., No. 07-116 (S.D. Ohio Aug. 28, 2012)

午後2時10分ー3時10分 甲斐淑浩(アンダーソン・毛利・友常法律事務所)
United States v. Marubeni Corp., No. 12-cr-22 (S.D. Tex. Jan. 17, 2012)

午後3時20分ー4時50分 木南敦(京都大学)
National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius, 132 S. Ct. 2566 (2012)
合衆国最高裁判所は、合衆国議会がPatient Protection and Affordable Care Actの主要規定に関し、それを制定する立法権限を有するか否かを判断した。


午前10時10分ー午後5時 シンポジウム「アメリカ陪審制度の再検討」

丸田 隆(関西学院大学) 

【基調報告】Keynote Speech: "Judging Lay Judges: What is The Fact-Finding Ability of the Jury?"
Professor Valerie Hans, Cornell Law School
There is a remarkable renaissance in the use of juries and other forms of lay participation around the world. In Japan, elsewhere in Asia, in Europe, and in Latin America, countries have introduced new decision making bodies that include lay citizen decision makers. In the United States, one of the world’s most visible jury systems, many states and the federal government have revitalized their jury systems to make them more representative and more compatible with contemporary times. Many policymakers recognize that lay involvement in the law helps to keep it responsive to public values and serves to legitimize the legal system.
This raises the question ? can they do it? Can people with no systematic legal training, chosen at random from the population from all walks of life, decide legal cases competently and successfully as jurors and lay judges? The short answer: Yes!
The long answer draws on findings from decades of systematic research, in the United States and elsewhere, examining the capabilities of lay jurors. In the 1950s, people in the United States began to wonder whether the American jury was up to the task of deciding the increasingly complex cases of the day. Was legal decision making best left to the experts? To answer that question, researchers embarked on the first major research project studying the American jury system. The central question driving the research was whether the jury was competent. There is now over half a century of scholarly research on the jury system.
Researchers have used a number of different scientific approaches to study the competence of juries. Some have studied patterns of decisions made by judges as compared to juries. Others have contrasted the decisions of juries with the views of judges and attorneys who participate in the case. Researchers have also used the scientist’s laboratory to study how experimental mock juries decide cases. Finally, researchers have asked jurors themselves about their decision making. All of these approaches have been quite informative.
On the whole, the research supports the basic soundness of the jury system. There is substantial overlap in the factors considered and decisions reached by professional judges and lay juries, although when there is disagreement, jurors tend to require more evidence to convict a criminal defendant. The research also has uncovered some types of evidence and issues that are challenging for jurors, including scientific evidence, expert testimony, and legal instructions. The latest studies are exploring new approaches to surmount these challenges, with the aim of further promoting the competence of the jury.
In this presentation, I would like to summarize the findings from research studies of both criminal and civil juries, and will describe new work on jury competence.

「アメリカ陪審制度は『危機に瀕した種』になっているのか―近時の陪審裁判件数の減少について」    丸田 隆 (関西学院大学)

"U.S. Civil Jury Trial System in the 21st Century: Significance, Function, and Supreme Court Decisions" 
Professor Matthew Wilson, University of Wyoming College of Law
Civil dispute resolution plays a vital role in shaping any society. It constitutes the core of any legal system and popular base. In civil law systems, citizen participation is alien to many forms of dispute resolution, particularly civil litigation. Consistent with this concept, Japan does not presently have a “jury system” or allow lay participation in civil cases. However, the value of lay participation is widely recognized in many respects and has recently gained greater acceptance in Japan and other civil law countries.
By examining other legal systems, a country can learn about different practices and determine whether they would benefit society and assist in the administration of justice. As Japan’s lay judge system continues to develop, much can be learned and even borrowed from the jury systems and practices of other countries. In fact, Japan can look to the United States experience to assess positive outcomes and potential pitfalls. This may be particularly helpful given that that the United States is the most prolific country in using civil jury panels.
For Japanese lawyers and Japanese legal academics, the American jury system has been a divisive topic of study and discussion. For many, the American jury stands as a symbol of liberty capable of invigorating jurors to become better citizens in a democratic society. At the same time, fueled by critics of the American jury system and a handful of sensationalized jury trials, others believe that lay involvement may lead to unpredictability and erroneous verdicts. Those taking the middle ground in Japan support lay participation so long as there is professional judge oversight in the form of mixed jury panels, in which judges and lay assessors constitute a joint decision-making body.
This presentation will examine the all-citizen U.S. civil jury trial in this 21st century. In particular, it will explore its function, significance, and Supreme Court decisions that have helped shape the right to a trial by jury. It will also address the negative perceptions and criticisms of civil jury trials.

一色太郎 (一色国際法律事務所)

岩田 太(上智大学)
具体的には,目撃供述をめぐって論じられた近年の判決(Perry v. New Hampsire (2012)(合衆国最高裁),State v. Henderson (N.J. 2011)(NJ州最高裁)など)や,ここ数十年間に蓄積されてきた目撃証言をめぐる経験的な調査結果を題材としつつ,目撃証言など刑事裁判における重要な証拠の真実性をいかに担保し,陪審の適正な判断を維持するのかについての議論を検討したい.このような検討から,陪審の問題のみならず,広く裁判所や捜査機関の役割なども併せて探っていきたい.